One Point Property Services


Renting, Leasing of Residential  / Commercial properties & Immigration Services

Renting, Leasing Properties

You are in good company

Our extensive network of contacts and prior project knowledge has enabled us to create a community of trustworthy partners who are ready to lease or purchase properties even of high values within a short time. Time is money and assets cannot be put on hold. 

Our dynamic team of agents can help you land a contract in no time. From finding the right buyer to completing formalities and legal procedures, our team can remove the hassles involved in usual property dealings. 

Farm & Agriculture Land

We help you enjoy your piece of earth

Be it a farm land that you plan to purchase to spend your leisure time with your family or wanting to contribute to the agriculture industry, we can help. With an inventory of more than 100+ acres of lush green agricultural land and serene farm spaces, we got it covered. 

From setting up initial discussions to maintaining your farm land, from securing the area to developing the lush greenery, we take the responsibility. Your dream is just a few discussions away.

Immigration Services

Fly with confidence

Be it your first time or a regular traveler, immigration services can be daunting especially with the paper work. Even experienced can sometimes go wrong and land into problems during the last moment. One Point Services has been flying people for decades and we know the know-how to get you safely to your dream destinations.

Our documentation specialists will help you pass the strict paper works and government compliance procedures with ease as we have done it a hundred times. From Covid-19 tests to legal procedures, we are with you from start to finish. With One Point Services, you can fly with confidence.